Friday, May 29, 2009

Facts on the heart and energy drinks

The heart and what it does. the heart is a great muscle that continuously pumps blood throughout your body. It also depends on your nerve system to make it not over beat and kill you. Energy drinks do just that, they increase your heart beat by alot because they contain so much caffeine which turns into surger that goes straight into your blood streem and aventually turns to fat unless you excercise or are playing a sport. Other wise from you not excercising or playing you could get diarrhea and many other things such as being nautious or you get a headache. Drinking energy drinks is very dangerous for people that have high blood pressure.


  1. Brady, I also am doing the Cardiovascular System and Energy Drinks! Some pretty interesting stuff eh! But I never found out is there any good energy drink?

  2. not that I know of but they are good for you when you do play sports and exercise, other than that no because once you drink one your getting all your recomended doses of caffeine and sugar for the day. and when you don't exercise it all turns to fat!

  3. Really becuase I read and understood that there excpecially not good for you when playing sports, where did you find that out? :) <3
